I had a little accident while trying to replace a blade on a boxcutter at work. It didn't hurt so much, but was gaping open with some "finger meat" hanging out. Weird pieces of fat and muscle, something I could have definitely gone without seeing. My boss insisted that I go have it stitched, which was probably a good idea as it might have healed funky. The doctor was cool as hell and we talked Obama. The stitches come out in a couple of days, and I'll be back to shredding like all hell, guitar hero style.
ahh, it's only a flesh wound! rub some dirt on it! and then check out http://bipolarbagel.blogspot.com!
That is sick you started a blog! I'll most definitely be checking it out. . .and I know I'm a pussy for being a crybaby about my finger. I know, I know. . .
owww ben
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