Check out the website Ed created for the party. There's some fantastic footage of Bear Driving Car performing. I especially enjoyed the video entitled "Chuck," which is actually just Bear Driving Car playing "Believe" while the camera pans around showing some "less than impressed" older party goers. Classic!
I decided to just post a bunch of photos, as telling all of the various stories from the 'Stock would be time consuming as fuck. See you there next year!

Bear Driving Car performing with special guest vocalist "Scuba Steve." Steve was an enthusiastic B.D.C. fan that day, dancing like hell and rocking out on stage.

This is what really got the party started, Bagel's Mai Tai's that I was drinking pretty steady from about noon on. Pictured with me are "Chaps Blue Ribbon," and "Jon Bon Joey."
Right before I stuck my left hand up Rhonda's ass.
The campsite and crew in full effect.
"Bon Joey" not only drunk driving, but drinking WHILE driving. Awesome!

Looking shocked to be standing next to my pal Chris from Bellingham. I had a great time hanging out with him and his wife Megan. Not only are they rad people, but Chris plays in one of my favorite bands in the Pacific Northwest, Ship to Ship.
. . .and finally, the dog fucking. There were two male dogs, that kept "playing friendly" all day long. I mean sure, there was a bunch of bands, food, drinks, drugs, and all sorts of other fun shit going on, but this was without a doubt the highlight of my day. I shot about 10 pics as the dogs kept mounting each other in different positions. My personal favorite was the "red rocket thrusting mouth fuck." Sexy, sexy time!
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