If you've ever spent any time hanging out with Adam and I, you know our conversations tend to get a little "interesting." Whether it's punching people out, hookers floating in rivers, fisting, shitting, or raping my hamster, it's a rare occassion that finds us discussing anything normal.
So it was with great pleasure that I received the following text message today. To put this in context, Adam is currently visting our friend Jesse and Dana in Philadelphia:
Just had sex on Benjmamin Franklin's grave.
Awesome! Did Descie like it? Did you guys go for a little 3 way necrohpilia?
Yes. We dug him up, pissed in his skull, then I came in his mouth as Des drank it.
Did you use any of his bones to stretch out Des's asshole?
Yes, but halfway through it snapped and my head got caught.
i thought Adam was GAY.
Oh he is gay, totally gay. Just ask him!
Wait, I take that back. He's gay but also will indulge in heterosexual sex. . .only if it's with a dead body.
I also heard he loves to eat placenta!
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