Today was one of those days where I woke up and "surveyed the damage" from the night before. Jesus, what happened? A few of my last memories of the night were Roach dancing with his shirt off on top of the bar at Cafe Racer, throwing a screaming monkey at my passed out friend on the couch, "losing my ego" and dancing foolishly around the living room with Chuck while listening to the Knife, and best of all, the little "art" Chuck and I did on Joey's shoes while he was passed out.

No one wants to wake up with SHIT TITTS! written on their shoes. I especially like that Chuck spelled "TITS" wrong, and included an exclamation point for dramatic effect. Oh boy, what an evening!
I like when Roach is puking in the bathroom and the toilet seat keeps falling down on him. Ha!
Wish I was there.
I like when Roach does that, too! He just got back from being deployed, and needed to "blow off some steam."
Also, Chuck wrote "PEOPLE JUMPED!" on our calendar featuring a nice photo of the Golden Gate Bridge.
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