This is crazy. Two days ago, I was making "Snarf sounds" around the house as I often like to do. I started talking with my roomate "The Admiral," discussing the fact that there hasn't been a live action Thundercats movie made yet. "Yeah, I'm sure it will be some kind of huge budget piece of shit with big name actors," I said.

Today, just for the hell of it, I googled "Thundercats," and wouldn't you know it, there's a movie with real actors coming out this Summer. The Thundercats live action film features Hollywood actors Brad Pitt, Vin Diesel and Hugh Jackman among others. I'll need to check with a few of my sources, but Brad Pitt starring as Lion-O may be an Advanced move.
This is unbelievable! Here's the trailer:
my God making that must have taken an assload of time. They should have used RoboPup as Snarf though.
i know you were very stoked for this movie to come out but we have been tricked. the trailer is fake. there is a reason so terrible looking. its because its a joke. there is a movie being made thats called thunder cats but not that one. Damn you photoshop.
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