It has snowed a shit ton (roughly around a foot) here and I've been fully enjoying it. Over the last week or so I've gone sledding, gotten into drunken snowball fights, made "snow penises" on people's cars and slipped and ate shit on more than one occasion. Hee Hee. It's also a lot of fun to make up snow words. For example, a Snow Blog is considered a "Snog," a Snow Oasis is called a "Snoasis," and Snow Rape is called "Snape." Yuck.

Here I am trying out my "Snildo" on "Scuba Steve."

This is my little snow angel, isn't he precious? Notice the attention to detail on his snow outfit, or "snoutfit."

The little guy went for a little sled ride. Yes he did, yes he did (in a pussy voice).

Who is this guy? Is this a snow man? Hitler? Or maybe, just maybe it's a "Snace" or "Snow Face."

And finally, Steve points and says, "here's a nice old piece of shit."
Let's get snrunk and snuck on some snits.
Does that head belong to SNodam Husien.
10:07 AM Cristmas Eve, Drinking Mamosa's. I'll Be SNUNK by noon.
Merry fuckin christmas FATTY.
Love Joel
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