Sunday, July 5, 2009

Totally Rad Shirts, Bro!

Here's a few t-shirts that I really like. Is it just me or is the "Che Guevara wearing a Che Guevara shirt" t-shirt about the funniest fucking thing ever? On a related note, my Birthday is only 2 months away, so if you'd like to purchase either one of the first two shirts you can visit The Onion's website.

But really, what I'd like for my Birthday is some more of these dope gas station style shirts. I want one that really says, "I'm a bad ass." Maybe with a ferocious eagle swooping down on a big rig truck or something?


Jaime said...

How bout an eagle givin' it to a lemur? That would be a pretty fantastic shirt.

Ben said...

HAHAHA! Good one Jaime. I like how you referred to intercourse as "givin' it." Great work!