Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drinking For America!

Nothing says patriotism like getting shit-faced drunk by 2PM on the 4th of July. Lucky for me Savage Henry was covering Crescent City's Independence Day festivities and caught me on video in the act of drunken buffoonery.

Here's a rough schedule of my day in CC, mapped out by my ridiculous alcohol consumption:

11:00 AM - Screwdrivers just to wake up and enjoy a little fruit juice
12:00 PM - Walk down to parade while drinking Monster & Vodka out of a Snapple bottle
1:30 PM - Arrive at beer garden at Beachfront Park, immediately order two Budweiser's
3:00 PM - Still at the beer garden ordering two beers at a time
4:00 PM - Head to Safeway to pick up Bud Light 30 pack
5:00 PM - Arrive at Haley's house, drink the rest of my vodka mixed with Monster
5:30 PM - Break into the Bud Light 30 pack with reckless abandon
6:00 PM - Start BBQing sausages and stealing someone's PBR's
8:45 PM - Walk down to Beachfront Park right near the jetty for fireworks - PBR's
10:00 PM - Party moves to Garth's beach, still drinking PBR and Shannon's vodka
11:00 PM - Performing with Buffalos In Orbit and running around with sparklers. Vodka!
2:00 AM - Arrive back at Haley's and have a "night cap." Don't remember this happening.

Haley's house drinking stolen PBR. Maybe 7PM?

Beachfront Park drinking with no hands! Roughly 3:00PM


chezmakr said...

Hey man, How did I get home?

Ben said...

Seriously? CJ hooked you and Aaron up. If it's any consolation, you weren't the drunkest one down there. Call me for details on the end of the evening.

Unknown said...

We had a great time.
Joel you were an awesome "ride" home.

Ben said...

What are you talking about "TJ?" You must be DRUNK!

chezmakr said...

Cow Juice,
I love you man. Thanks for everything.

Unknown said...

Dear Joel, I love you too. I want to see you more often cause i had an effin blast with you.