Hopefully "Timmy da Tool Box" will post the album "We Sure Have a Lot of Growing Up To Do." It will contain images of fake shitting in doorways, puking in garbage cans, humping dumpsters, fake fighting and a bunch of other ridiculous shit. Keep your fingers crossed.

After catching the train with only seconds to spare I was a little "on edge." I had no choice but to "calm myself down" with a few beers.

Lil Timmy's reflection as he stares out the window. The train followed the coast most of the way, and the views were stunningly beautiful.

I believe this area is called "Fairhaven," just south of Bellingham. The sun was starting to set, and the views were amazing. It was so romantic I started making out with Joey and Tim - at the same time!

Saturday was "EndFair" on the WWU campus. We hooked up some free cotton candy and watched this chubby young lady get repeatedly dunked. Funny shit!

Our friends Ship to Ship played an amazing set at Endfair. They're something like "instrumental post-rock Tortoise-ish." For being only a two piece they really fill out their sound with multiple loops, keys and ridiculously technical drumming. Give them a listen.

There were a few dorm kids hippie dancing all "wet noodle" style to Ship to Ship. I kept giggling to myself, and encouraged Julie to go dance it up with them. I love her grin in this one, as she is dancing ironically, and making me laugh like hell! I could barely take the picture.

Later that night, Common Market headlined "Endfair." Now I'm not normally one that goes for too much of the "hip hop," but these guys impressed the hell out of me. Sick-ass beats, informed rhymes and good crowd participation.

And finally. . .the pump. This photo pretty much sums up the whole trip. Joey and Julie fairly buzzed in the middle of the afternoon, playing with an air pump and attaching it to their crotches. Good times!
FUN. I especially like the Beaver Inn pics in the post below.
Whatever with you TJ. If this weekend adventure was boring, I'd like to know what you consider excitement. Or perhaps you can give me more ideas for blogs - like the one about how I was going to come down there for your birthday, then didn't, and also how I was going to come to Durant's wedding, but didn't. Now that's some bloggin'
Jaime, you've got the right attitude here. Way to go!
sorry i was bad.
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