"If you want to buy any of the above domain names they are now available. I own them all. Just name your price."
"Why don't you blog about how you didn't come to my birthday party because you were planning on going to Durant's wedding and then how you ditched out on that too. That would be a good one."
"who cares"
"Dr? More like Veterinarian. You are just trying out your new horse tranquilizer solution before you go on a horse effing spree!!!
Can i go?"
"im somehow jealous i was not there. (no homo)"
What a witty, class clown this guys is!
Oh my god, look at that beard. I understand he lives in Humboldt, and "excessive hairyness" is all the rage, but jesus, he looks like a bald, Irish, Osama Bin Laden!
Love ya "TJ!"
I like the one that says "WHO CARES"....
i like his bangs.
I'll bang you!
snap son!
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