On Friday, I received the following e-mail from my friend Janette. Just so you understand the context here, Lotus is my friend's Victor and Janette's six year old daughter (I hope I got her age right):
So Lotus for whatever reason was asking me questions about your family. She started off by asking why your dad died and what his name was and did he have a beard. She said she can't remember meeting your mom but she is dying to meet your brothers. I told her what their names were and that Pete is the youngest and he's shy and that he is the tallest. Then she asked why Pete was shy and how come you guys are so tall and I told her that you guys were part giant and then Victor chimed in and said that you guys are Norwegian and told her about Vikings and how they looked. So then she asked me what Andy and Pete wear and where do they get their clothes. I am assuming that she is under the assumption that your brothers wear helmets, skirts, with chainmail and are possibly carrying swords. I think Victor talking about Vikings threw her off. Then she asked me if they have big noses because she said that "giants sometimes have big noses". And the last thing she asked me which is super funny " is what's the shy boys name...Pete! Is Pete shy towards little humans?" Anyway I thought I would share that with you. Hope things are going good for you. -Janette
I had to stop working for about five minutes I was laughing so damn hard. I love the imagination of children. I could just picture Lotus's mind conjuring up these images of my brothers as giant, ogre men-beasts. And like many an outcasted ogre, Pete is a little shy towards his small human counterparts. Is this about the cutest damn thing you've ever heard?
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