Monday, December 21, 2009

Wisdom of Wilkes: Part 4

Due to the overwhelming popularity and amount of feedback I've been getting regarding "The Wisdom of Wilkes," I've decided to go ahead and keep 'em "coming." Today's story is about the holiday classic "A Christmas Story."

In Greg's own words:

"Shit Ben, I got into a little bit of an argument with the cable people this weekend. You know the movie 'A Christmas Story?' Well hell, Kim (his wife) and I wanted to watch it, but it wasn't on the TV no where. So I called up Comcast and said, 'what the matter with you dirty dogs?' You should be pulled outside naked into the snow and left to freeze to death. They apologized, and gave me two free movies On Demand. We going to watch 'A Christmas Story' for Kim, and get something nice and dirty for me!"

So in summary, Greg was so pissed that "A Christmas Story" wasn't on TV, so he called the cable company to complain. If that's not ridiculous enough, he's going to settle in and enjoy the holiday time with his wife by watching porno. I love it!!!


Unknown said...

There was also a crazy amount of kids sticking their tongues to flagpoles during the last cold spell, fire department response and all. Not sure on the amount of triple dog dares, but the newspapers were blaming TBS for airing the movie.
"You can put your arms down when you get to school"

Anonymous said...

Man I could see it now! Greg bustin a nut on his wife's face while she is enjoying little ralphie!

Jaime said...

I want to hang with Greg.

Ben said...

Well, I guess since too many kids were sticking their tounges to flagpoles, they had to take it off heavy rotation. HAHA! You know there's no going back when there's a triple dog dare involved.

Unknown said...

I triple dog dare you to stop this blog.

Ben said...

Damn it! I guess that's it. No more blog from here on out. If that's what you really want "T.J."