Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cover Me Badd

NOTE: "COVER ME BADD" was a project conceived by Keith Lionetti, which I stole for the title of this post.

I've always found cover band names pretty entertaining. I remember first hearing of "John Cougar Concentration Camp," "Burger King Diamond," and others and thinking they were pretty damn clever. There's also bands like "Little Kiss" (midgets doing KISS songs), "The Misfats" (fat dudes doing Misfits songs) and Lez Zeppelin (all female Led Zeppelin tribute).

The fantastic publication known as Savage Henry Magazine is going to be featuring a monthly column dedicated to ridiculous made-up cover band names.

I did a little "brainstorming" with my band yesterday, and we came up with a few. Let me know if you think of any others and what your favorite from this list is.

Explosions in the Ska
- Post rock performed in the style of SKA by a bunch of dudes with dreads and baggy clothes

Wack Sabbath
- A Band that does all Black Sabbath Covers while masturbating (wacking off).

Kriss Kross Dressers
- A young hip hop group that wears women's clothing backwards

Willie Nelson Mandela
- A group of African American men (Nelson Mandela look-a-likes) playing Wille covers

The Pissfits - All Misfits covers performed by guys that are constantly being fed water and urinating on themselves

White Power Stripes - White Stripes covers played by Neo-Nazi dudes with shaved heads and swastica tattoos. The lyrics are also altered slightly to reflect their racist commentary

Soundfartin - A band playing exclusively Soundgarden material accompanied by loud farts. Mics in their assholes amplify the live sound.

The Strokes
- A group of individuals that have had actual strokes playing Strokes songs

Mission of Sperma
- Mission of Burma songs done by a group of four men with semen encrusted clothing

Big Black Power
- A group of Black men with afros and a political agenda playing Big Black covers.

Bums and Roses - GN'R songs played by homeless men


Unknown said...

The Misfats, its a misfits cover band and all the members are like 300lbs and they do the devilock hair thing and the clothes and face paint the whole fuckin deal. Havnt seen it yet but if i get the chance i'm there.

Ben said...

Yeah man, that sounds too good to miss. I'd like to try to join that band and would be willing to get fatter just to make the cut.