Friday, January 22, 2010

Shock My Balls, Please!

Man, I'd rather have my testicles electrocuted with 30,000 volts of electricity than pay money to go see this sad excuse for a "movie." Maybe I'm being a little judgemental as I haven't actually seen any of it, but I feel like a got a pretty good idea from the previews. Which by the way, so infuriated me when they were on TV, I had to put it on mute and yell something like, "Jesus Christ, what's wrong with America!?!?," when they came on. Then again, I thought the same thing about "Ernest Goes To Camp," upon seeinng the previews, but that movie was awesome!

What's going on here? Is this a "gangsta" Alvin?

I'm sorry if my recent blogs have taken a slight turn for the negative. Let's face it though, sometimes making fun of people and things is one of the most enjoyable activities in life. HA!

1 comment:

Ben said...

That's really gross, Wagon B! "I always knew you were sick, but I never expected you to actually say such things." Then again, Ive seen some pretty hot girls that look like chipmunks before!